
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy Spring From La Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera!

Yesterday, I was teaching English to some local students here in Medellin. Our topic: ¨Me gusta¨ ... or ¨I like¨. My example was, ¨I like the weather in Medellin.¨ The students were intrigued about this new word, ¨weather¨. When I told them what it meant, one young man commented about how he doesn´t even think about ¨el clima¨ or the weather here in Medellin because it is always the same. Yes, with year round temps between 65 and 85 degrees and the sun always shining (except for a brief afternoon rain), Medellin is truly ¨la ciudad de la eterna primavera¨. But for our ¨winter-weary¨ friends in the north, spring may still be buried under those piles of snow,

... but beauty awaits!

Happy First Day of Spring from the City of Eternal Spring!

As the sun starts to tip to the north ...

patio gardens will start to bloom,
artists will transform the sidewalks,

¨hot rodders¨ will hit the streets,

a bicycle or two will pass by,

and kids of all ages will enjoy the parks!

As daylight hours begin to lengthen ...

flowers ...

will ...

begin ...

to ...


As average temperatures increase ...

the snow will flow into rivers,
ponds will be adorned with water lilies,
and creatures of all types will
start to work on their tans!

We are grateful to be able to spend time in this beautiful place where the locals don´t think about the weather.

 Where fresh flowers greet us,

local produce feeds us,
and beautiful smiles sustain us!

Hasta luego ... Make every day a SPRING day ... and enjoy the adventures in your life!

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